tihar experirnce


Tihar is also main festival of hindus people. It is celebrated for 5 days. they are:

1) kaag tihar
At this day, I bath at morning.and cooked delicous food . and i have offered the food to kaag.

2)kukur tihar
At this day,i went to temple. and i offer malas and tika to the dog.

3)Laxmi puja
At first, I bath and I went to temple. And i worshipped the cow like laxmi.

4) Goru puja or Govardhan puja
At, this day I worship goru with malas and tika.

5) Bhai tika or bhai duj
At this day, I offered seven coloured tika to my brother. And i celebrate deusi.

In this way,I celebrated tihar festival.


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